Monday 13 February 2012

Jesus Love you

Do you know that Jesus love you?
Yes, He loves you very very much!

How much does He love you?
So much, that He was willing to go to the Cross for you!

Does God play games with your heart or life?
Never, He created you special and He longs to have a relationship with you.
He even gives you freewill to choose your own life.
And He waits for you as a loving father will, for you to reach out for Him.

Is your life an accident?
No, He has known you even before you were born.

What does God want to give you?
A future and a hope.
You are the head and not the tail!

If you yearn for something but it just doesn't seem to come, do not give up hope. 
Cos He says "Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all the others will be added onto you." 
He also says "Delight yourself in the Lord, and I will give you the desires of your heart."

Friends, hang on to His promises! God is faithful and His Word never fails.
Let's press in and wait upon Him! I believe He will grant you your desires very soon

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